Nishizaki, M. (2016). Drawings and traces: development and emergence of depiction on the surfaces. Tokyo, Japan: Taga Press. (in Japanese).
Nishizaki, M. (2007). The act of trace-making in infancy: fundamental graphic/plastic act before scribbling. Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology, 6, 41-55. (in Japanese).  [Winner of the Excellent Paper Award 2007-2009]
Nishizaki, M. (2005). Trace-making in infancy. Japanese Journal of Ecological Psychology, 1(1), 135-140. (in Japanese).
Nishizaki, M. (2005). The act of trace-making in infancy. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Perception and Action, 92, Monterey, California.
Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Scientific Literature) KAKENHI (#15HP5235) from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Drawings and Trace-making. Miho Nishizaki, PI.
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